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Our Partnerships

We're proud to collaborate with visionary partners who share our commitment to positive change. Thank you for being part of this transformative journey.

The Canopy Lab Logo

The Canopy Lab

Partnering with The Canopy Lab located in Washington DC to conduct project evaluations in South Sudan providing independent reviews to enhance informed strategic decision making.

Activities jointly conducted include:
  • Conducted Primary research for A3 SEED Gender & Youth Study to Identify opportunities and challenges of women and youth in seed and related sectors in five target locations namely, Rumbek, Torit, Yambio, Bor and Juba.
  • Support provided to the Program Design process for Caritas Switzerland South Sudan. These included the development of data collection tools, data collection, data quality, data analysis, and data compilation.
MarketShare Associates Logo

MarketShare Associates

MarketShare Associates (MSA) located in Denver, Colorado, is a socially driven global consulting firm dedicated to creating a more equitable world by facilitating better access to economic opportunities.

Partnered with MarketShare Associates to conduct the South Sudan Country Context and Market Study for AECF’s Investing in Women in South Sudan.

Frontiers Consults Logo

Frontiers Consults

Partnered to conduct the South Sudan Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning Survey for the World Bank to document the functioning of the public administration and the challenges faced by civil servants.