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With a cohesive unit of skilled individuals, passionate about their roles, and united by a common purpose, working collaboratively, we have a gained experiences from different Organisations across the world.
Gender and Inclusion Assessment to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of gender and inclusion in the four Counties of Baliet, Ulang, Nasir, and Melut in Upper Nile State.
National Assessment of the Situation of Education in South Sudan
End of Project Evaluation of COVID-19 Response Operation in South Sudan (CROSS Phase 2) in Bor town in (Jonglei), Juba in (Central Equatoria) and Torit in (Eastern Equatorial).
Gender Analysis In Aweil West, Aweil North, Aweil South, Rubkona, Guit, Mayendit, Leer and Kajokeji Counties
Local market survey to understand the demand and supply of locally produced and imported vegetable and other basic food items and to identity the status of current production and sales Food crops to support IDPs in Juba.
Situation Analysis of South Sudan Plant Health System In Yei, Juba Yambio and Kajokeji
Endline Evaluation in Longechuk and Ulang counties of Upper Nile State. The future is Equal Project in Ulang and Longechuk
Baseline Survey for the Project “AFIAWASH Activity to determine the current levels of access/coverage to basic and safe drinking water and sanitation in the selected counties of Duk, Pibor and Uror.
Baseline Survey for a Health Improvement Project in Ikotos. This involved both qualitative and quantitative methods..